Kendrick Perkins On Larry Bird

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Kendrick Perkins

"When we talk about the legends of basketball, when did the goal post move? Cause I always thought the legend would win multiple MVPs, win multiple championships, take his team to the 1st seed multiple times, lead the league in scoring multiple times.

So we got these legends of basketball who deserved this honor. Michael Jordan, LeBron James, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Shaquille O’Neal, Tim Duncan, Magic Johnson, Hakeem Olajuwon, Wilt Chamberlain, Larry Bird. So that’s a nice list. But I’m wondering. Why is Larry Legend on that list?

As a former Boston Celtics player, I mean no disrespect to Bird. But I am a speaker of TRUTH. A speaker of TRUTH has no friends! I ain’t here to make friends. Else, I’d have spent my entire career playing with LeBron James!

But you look at the three times Bird won the MVP. He never won the scoring champion title in ANY of those years! He didn’t win the scoring title at all! How can he be a legend if he can’t do what Detroit Pistons reject Adrian Dantley did?

Saying this pains me greatly. Bird was incredibly well rounded. He could score. He could pass. He could rebound. He could trash talk so well that he could turn Kevin Garnett into Big Baby.

But Bird wasn’t a legend. He wasn’t as athletic as Jordan. Bird had to coast on the talents of Kevin McHale and Robert Parish to win three rings. But what if Bird COULD have improved his athleticism and genetic talent through a simple trick?

Before I reveal this trick, let’s take a step back and look at all the candidates who are in contention for greatest of all time. Every one of them had a weakness. Jordan couldn’t pass as well as Magic. O’Neal couldn’t shoot as well as Jordan. Magic couldn’t rebound as well as Abdul-Jabbar. James couldn’t trash talk as well as Garnett. Garnett couldn’t love China as much as James.

Despite their Achilles heels, they all were able to compensate by s
having their heads. These guys trained so hard that they went bald.

These men are fixated on basketball so much that they don’t want their hair getting in the way. Hell, even Tim Duncan and Kobe Bryant went fully shaved as their career progressed. And they got insanely better! This proves you need to be smooth to ball.

Hell, even I shaved my head when I played for the Celtics. I took this game too seriously! It’s why I was guaranteed a starting job on the Oklahoma City Thunder! Even though I moved like a hippopotamus on crutches.

But look at Bird’s career. Throughout his entire arc, he was content looking like a middle-aged lesbian. His curly puffs showed that he never took the game of basketball seriously. He would tell his opponents that he felt like scoring 40 that night, and do exactly that in 3 quarters. Only 40? Why stop there? What was stopping him from promising 60? Or Black Mamba 80? I’ll tell you what held him back. HIS HAIR!

Bird put up legendary numbers despite coasting in the professional leagues. If he shaved his head, it would have indicated that he took the game of basketball seriously! Bird could have won 8 more rings if he just went to the barber!

Had Bird shaved his head, he could have been the human equivalent of the one-punch man! By not going bald, Bird did a disservice to us! Man could have been better than Michael Jordan, but chose to be the next Kendrick Perkins!

Shame on Bird for not giving the fans what we want! Shame on him for not being the GOAT."

Stephen A. Smith

"Now, this is just BLASPHEMOUS. Ain’t no sane person think that hair makes a player more skillful. You gonna sit here and tell me that La-VAR BALL is better than Bird because he’s BALD? Stay off the WEED!

You’re just picking on Bird because he’s the only white athlete listed. Why can’t you just admire greatness? Race has nothing to do with talent."
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
LOL how did Kendrick Perkins make it past ESPN's cuts?

Guy is one of if not the biggest idiot we've ever seen in this biz

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
KP, don't be losing C's fans my man, cause then you be alone alone

Thinking he's paid to create controversy

Sep 21, 2004
First part of article i thought Perk was being serious---reading it through to end it has to be a joke.

Magic Johnson/Tim Duncan and probably a few others never lead the league in scoring, hell Lebron only did it once. When he started talking about going bald would have helped Bird---this has to be satire.

Jan 5, 2008
As I say he is a token black dude puppet espn let’s loose because he is illiterate as fuck and talks like a fat kid with marbles in his mouth. He makes black ppl look stupid. He causes aggravation amongst viewers. It’s a car wreck. And he is the joke and being used but to dumb to know . And espn elites love it.

He was half ass being serious and half ass being a clown. To get ppl talking about it which is exactly what happened. Just another wwf script

Jan 5, 2008
But he should be fired for joking about bird being a lesbian. That’s bigot remarks and down playing the important real life struggles of what our precious lgbtqatrvdex community is going through in America today

Maybe their are lesbians out there today who look like bird. Maybe they inspire to be in the nba and all time great. But now are being told they can’t because they have hair. Or they are Just trying to buy milk for their partner but are being gunned down in our streets today by the far right Gustapo.

Fire KP!

Sep 5, 2005
ESPN very much enjoys putting stupid black guys, especially former athletes on the air in lieu of other black guys who are actually intelligent, speak English and have something to say. Just think about that from the perspective of the network exploiting meatheads and you will see a pattern that is racist, that is calculated and that is designed to gain viewers based on exploitation.
Sep 21, 2004
I reffed an AAU game Perk was coaching last year. He's a nice guy, but he's not the brightest bulb on the tree.

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